Being peer-run means that all our services are developed and operated by people who have personally overcome mental health issues, addiction, or trauma. This makes us a valuable addition and alternative to the traditional behavioral health care system.
People USA’s unique, peer-led models are proven to significantly reduce hospital utilization, incarceration rates, and overall healthcare spending.
Most importantly, they are built on an unbreakable foundation of customer engagement, comfortable environments, empathy, and positive expectations for people’s futures.
We change the conversation from illness to wellness. We make recovery the expectation.
Because of our successes, our unique models and approaches have been studied and replicated across the United States and Europe.

People USA focuses on helping individuals meet their own wellness goals. Our approach to behavioral health is centered on engagement, environment, mutuality and philosophy.
Steve Miccio, CEO, is a spokesperson and advocate for behavioral health initiatives who has shifted the national paradigm in terms of crisis response and wellness services. His team of professionals has led more than 30 thousand people on their journeys toward wellness.
People USA was born directly out of a struggle for civil rights, the Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient Movement. It gave rise to Peer Services, which is a valuable addition, alternative, and source of continuing innovation to the behavioral health system.